Ten Secrets for Organizing Successful Special Events
by Martin Cohn
For the past four years, I have been teaching a graduate course at Emerson College on Special Events Management. I would like to offer ten secrets that I share with my classes to help ensure a successful special event.
01. PLAN. You should know every step you expect to take before your take the first one.
02. ASSESS YOUR RESOURCES. Special events require a significant investment of time, material and money. Check what you have to work with and use it.
03. LINE UP SUPPORT. Find as many good people to work with as possible.
04. KEEP TRACK OF TIME. Make sure that you have the time to do the event. You do not want to come to your event saying, "If only I had more time!"
05. BUILD A FIRE. Enthusiasm can help overcome the feeling that something can't be done.
06. BITE OFF ONLY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN DO. Make sure that you have the time and ability to produce a competent special event. Do only what you can do well.
07. MANAGE THE SCALE. Experience is always a real plus in managing a special event. if you are going to try something new, do it on a scale that you can handle.
08. BE FLEXIBLE. Be willing to adapt your plan as unforeseen opportunities and problems arise.
09. WORK SMART AND HARD. Think before you work and while you work.
10. GET LUCKY. A special events manager who has planned carefully will not only recognize luck but will be able to cash in on it when it comes along.